Pretty Nails
One of the things Lindsey and I accomplished on Saturday was trying out a couple of nail salons. I wanted to find a good place for us to do mani's and pedi's on the Friday before the wedding. We visited two and ended up deciding on a place called Tina Nails.
I was unsure if I wanted a french or color for the wedding, but the french tip never lasts on my hands very long. I think it's just from the excessive washing, dishes, typing, you name it... Plus, rarely do I actually HAVE nails and I do not want fake ones, so I was beginning to lean towards a color. A bright orange is a bit too bright, but we found this great shade of OPI red orange at Tina Nails that isn't too far off from the bridesmaid dress color.The best part about the OPI colors are they names they give them. This particular shade is called The Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It.
I think it will be a nice compliment to my bouquet and the bridesmaid dress colors. Here it is on my toes with a cute flower, which I will definitely be sporting on the wedding day.
And my [short] nails with a very similar color, which I got done at the first nail salon we visited.
Relaxing for a bit at the nail salon was a nice hiatus from the busy weekend. We got A LOT done. More to come on that...
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