Saturday, March 1, 2008

Last Weekend

Nate and I also accomplished a couple of things ourselves last weekend. We went to a wedding party hosted by Crate and Barrel, to get our first registry started! The event was last Sunday morning from 9 - 11 am, before the store opened to the general public. They had tons of people working to answer questions, and even had demonstrations of some of their products. They had yummy pastries and mimosas for us as well. We thought two hours was a lot of time, but we used every bit of it. I'm sure our list will change a bit, but we've got a good start. We got a cute little candy dish as a free gift - and we had a fun time going around the store scanning things we'd love to have!

After Crate and Barrel, we headed to Savvi in Chesterfield Mall to look at tuxes. We tried a gazillion different jacket and vest combos together on one of the mannequins, to try and determine which ones we'd like to order for Nate to try on. Let's just say, he has plenty of options! He decided on trying a brown tux, as well as a couple of black ones - I believe a 3 -button and 4-button jacket. As far as vest colors, there's ivory, tan, chocolate brown, and burnt orange. We'll just have to figure out how we want to set Nate apart as the groom, and then I think the decision for the groomsman will be easier. We're hoping to be able to setup an appointment to have Nate try them on while his parents are here this month. I know his mom will have some good opinions and be able to help him decide.



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