Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Rest of the Story...

One of the two things Nate was going to be doing with me during the weekend actually fell through. We were going to meet with Laurie, who will be decorating for us, to discuss ideas and options for decor. She had the flu. :( We did, however, still get to go to her storage building, where she keeps all of her supplies. It helped to see some things in person, and got a few ideas flowing. We are definitely going to try and setup something with her again next month over Easter weekend. Keep your fingers crossed.

On Sunday, Nate and I met with Fr. Medina to talk about the ceremony. We basically just talked through what would happen at the rehearsal, and then everything we need to consider for the ceremony itself. He gave us a book full of readings and prayers that will help us pick those out for the ceremony. So in addition to music, I'll be thinking through readings, prayers, and who we will be assigning special duties to... I would like my uncle, Deacon Steve, to do the gospel and homily, and have then Fr. Medina perform the actual ceremony. Fr. Medina eased my mind a bit, saying we didn't necessarily have to have servers, since Steve would be helping. Good news...since my mom and I were having difficulties thinking of two younger kids to do it.

A couple of other random things to consider: aisle runner and rings. The flooring is carpet in the church, so Fr. Medina pointed out that if we were doing an aisle runner, it would have to be a rather sturdy material so high heels won't poke through the fabric. And I need to decide if I want my engagement ring and wedding band soldered together before the ceremony. I'm thinking no? But I have no basis for that decision...

I just have to say I left there feeling so happy and excited. I really like Fr. Medina a lot and I am so happy he is the one marrying us.


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