Sunday, October 14, 2007

What Else?

Besides talking with photographers this week, I've also been in contact with Ryan, the potential caterer we want to hire for the wedding. I'm trying to get a food taste test setup with him for over the Thanksgiving break. Since Nate and I will be in Loose Creek visiting my family anyway, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity for a food trial. Right now, we're thinking a chicken and a beef entree for the we just have to figure out a couple options for each we would like to try. Nate wants the food to reflect a combination of California and Missouri styles, so we'll put Ryan's creative ability to work!

I'm working on getting a block of rooms setup at the Capital Plaza Hotel as well. We'll probably do an open block there, and I think I'd like to also reserve a block of rooms at Hotel La Bella, which is just right down the road. I think giving people a couple of options will be nice, and they are totally renovating Hotel La Bella right now, so it should be in great condition when it reopens. One thing we are definitely doing is we're going to provide the guests a shuttle to the wedding and reception. It'll be a great, safe way for out-of-towners to return to their hotels after the festivities come to an end. I asked Capital Plaza if they have a shuttle, which they don't, however they can provide one for us. So that may be perfect...


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