Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Stamps, Anyone?

The time for invitation mailing is certainly starting to draw near. And what does that mean? Deciding on stamps, of course! I had no idea how much it was going to cost to mail one of our invitations, so I whipped up a sample on Sunday night. Just by the weight of the envelope, my guess was $1 per invitation. Since I can't stand suspense, I hightailed it to the post office last night to find out!

First, the lady helping me said they would cost $1.34 each. eek Eeek! A little more than I was planning on, but I did get the invitations I wanted and I did save a bit of money by brainstorming with my aunt and making them myself. But, really?! That would be...

a New Hampshire

plus a dragonfly.

Can we say weird combination? "Well," she said, "let's see how else we could work this." She did some magic and all of a sudden decided she could charge me $1.00 each! Something about large flat rate... I don't know, but anything less than $1.34 was sounding good at that point. Then she went on to tell me that the two different wedding stamps they have combine to be $1.01. Perfect! So the invitations will be sporting these babies...
Can't say that I'm a huge heart fan, but I think they're very wedding appropriate. And don't let the orangish color fool you. They're really more of a tan in person. So with that, I said give me 140 of each! And oh yes, some postcard stamps too while you're at it. And to cut down on the decisions (someone was looking out for me!), they only make one design for postcard stamps...so fruit it is!

We're having another (final) invitation making party on Sunday, July 27 so that should be the day we use these beauties. Oh, and while I was at the post office, I went as far as mailing myself an invitation so I can find out how it handles traveling through the mail. Yeah, I'm a dork. razz



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