Sunday, October 28, 2007

My dress!

The search is finally over...I have found my wedding dress and I absolutely love it! My mom and I went to a trunk show at Demetrio's today, one of the shops we had visited before. For those of you who don't know what a trunk show is, let me explain. Basically, they bring in all of next season's possible dress designs for one weekend for a preview, and let all the brides-to-be try them on. Whatever dresses are purchased the most are the ones that make the cut for next season's collection. So, the hard part about a trunk show for the customer (me!) is that you have to make your decision to purchase a dress then and there because you have no way of knowing if the dress will make it into the collection for next season. So in other words, you reaaallly have to love the dress to commit to it and buy it that day.

Something I think I had working to my advantage is that I had already been to many, many bridal shops and had a very good idea of what I wanted. Yesterday, I had actually narrowed my favorites down to the top 2 dresses out of all the places I'd been. And when I put this one on today, I knew it totally beat out my 2 favorites! On the other hand, there was another girl trying on dresses at the same time as me...and she said Demetrio's was only the second bridal place she'd been to. So, even though she loved a dress, she didn't feel comfortable committing to something that quickly. And FYI, just in case Nate decides to read this, I don't want to put much detailed information about my dress on here. Just know that it's somewhat simple, but totally my style. However, if you're really interested, you know how to contact me! ;)

By buying the dress today, I did get a fabulous deal. First of all, by paying for the dress in full, I received 20% off the price. Additionally, I had the option of putting $100 down towards bridesmaid dresses, in order to get my maids 15% off their dresses...which of course I did! Girls, right now I'm leaning toward maids dresses by Jordan. The burnt orange color from this designer is exactly what I had in mind. There are tons of cute designs--be it one piece or separates. You can check them out here: Finally, by buying my dress today, I got my gown preservation for free, which was a $250 value. So that's one less thing I have to worry about...

I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, October 21, 2007

This Week = Major Disappointment

Between work and wedding related items this week, I'm not sure which has been worse! I've been working overtime for work all week and going to bed way later than I usually do, and man does it show. But on to the wedding related items because who wants to hear about work?!

So....we had a MAJOR snafu this week. You know how it is when you have your heart set on something and it doesn't work out? Well, that's exactly the feeling Nate and I experienced this week. We had decided on Jon Koch as our photographer, and I called him on Wednesday to get the contract started. He was honored that we had chosen him and took down all our information and was going to send the contract to us within the day. However, when I got home Wednesday evening and checked my email, he had written saying that he wasn't at his office when I called and when he got there he had received a fax with a SIGNED contract for our wedding date!! OMG, I was sooooo disappointed. Someone had beat us by two days... I am now kicking myself for not calling him on Monday, but who would have known that a week would make all the difference? Nate was mad at me for awhile, but I think he's finally getting over it. So much for being supportive... :) I briefly considered changing our date to Oct 11th, but that idea was quickly shot down when I called Fr. Medina, the priest marrying us, to inquire about the 11th, and he was already booked for that date. Now I'm back to square one and searching for a few more photographers that I can go talk to and see their work. I have a feeling Nate is finished with it all at this point...

We also had our Natural Family Planning class on Thursday. It was held at St. Joseph West Hospital in Lake St. Louis and taught by a nurse. For an hour, we learned all about the Creighton Method of family planning. The key word of the evening...."mucus." Nate commented that he was disappointed that it was so boring. He was hoping to be able to make jokes....go figure. Do men ever grow up?!

Then yesterday we had the first installment of our two Saturday session for the rest of our marriage prep. The class was held at Immacolata in Brentwood, right behind the Galleria. The lady that taught us was a social worker by trade, but had been teaching the marriage prep class for over 10 years. The class was video based, with her speaking to us briefly after each section of video. Yesterday we learned about marriage as a sacrament, the stages of a relationship, family origin issues, and sexuality and sexual relations. We also had workbooks and we had to answer questions individually about each section and then talk about our answers as a couple. Nate was rolling his eyes at a couple of points, but I thought overall the class was pretty decent. The teacher was able to make things realistic, and even mentioned when she didn't agree with something in the videos that the Catholic church was teaching. The class was supposed to last from 9 - 2, but we got out at 1:00, so that wasn't all bad! One more to go next Saturday, and we will be complete with all our marriage prep for the church.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

What Else?

Besides talking with photographers this week, I've also been in contact with Ryan, the potential caterer we want to hire for the wedding. I'm trying to get a food taste test setup with him for over the Thanksgiving break. Since Nate and I will be in Loose Creek visiting my family anyway, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity for a food trial. Right now, we're thinking a chicken and a beef entree for the we just have to figure out a couple options for each we would like to try. Nate wants the food to reflect a combination of California and Missouri styles, so we'll put Ryan's creative ability to work!

I'm working on getting a block of rooms setup at the Capital Plaza Hotel as well. We'll probably do an open block there, and I think I'd like to also reserve a block of rooms at Hotel La Bella, which is just right down the road. I think giving people a couple of options will be nice, and they are totally renovating Hotel La Bella right now, so it should be in great condition when it reopens. One thing we are definitely doing is we're going to provide the guests a shuttle to the wedding and reception. It'll be a great, safe way for out-of-towners to return to their hotels after the festivities come to an end. I asked Capital Plaza if they have a shuttle, which they don't, however they can provide one for us. So that may be perfect...


The Hunt Is On But...

We may have found the one! Nate and I had two appointments this past week with potential photographers, and I had had one myself previously in Columbia. I had talked with Kim in Columbia from SilverBox Photographers and she was really sweet, energetic, and we got along really well. However, she was much more than I would like to spend, so price is what ultimately ruled her out. She photographed Tim Allen's (2nd) wedding in if a celebrity can afford her I don't think we can! The second appointment was with a girl at ImageArtistic Photography here in St. Louis. She was very nice and a lot closer to my age, but she didn't do anything to "wow" us, and really didn't have a lot to share with us verbally, she was just mostly answering our questions. We looked through some photos and albums and they were nice, but a lot of the pictures were a little more posed than I would have liked, and we didn't see a whole lot of shots in black and white.

And then we met with Jon from Koch Photography...and let me tell you I think both of our eyes lit up right when we stepped foot into his studio. First of all, he had a really cool loft setup with a big, cozy room that had high-tech equipment and all his work. He had a flat screen TV continuously scrolling through wedding pictures on the wall and big, framed black and white wedding shots he had taken hanging around the room. When we got there, we actually just chatted for a little while before jumping into looking at sample albums and pictures. Jon is a really great guy, has a fun personality, and really encompasses the documentary type style Nate and I were looking for. This may very well end up being the most expensive piece of our wedding, so I'm feeling very happy right now that we've potentially found the perfect fit in this photographer! We have one more appointment setup for this week, so I'll let you all know when we make our final decison...should be by weeks' end!!!


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